I know some don't use Facebook, so this page is meant to keep everyone in the loop regardless if they use Facebook or not. I'm active there and post every couple of days, or try to! You can click on the "Posted On" next to the avatar in any post to go to the link on Facebook.

Wednesday Update Time!

- I hit 67k words on The Cosmic Link, Book 2 of The Evaran Chronicles II. Evaran, M, and Ryalis are on their way to recover the Torvatta, M's body, and the rest of the gang. They've just recovered the Torvatta, and are on to the rest of the gang, but a new issue has arisen they must deal with.

- I've begun the low-level outlining for Book 6 of The Inspector Dalton Files. This is where I convert my high-level outlining in Notepad to Excel and define chapters, scenes, POVs, and locations. I hope to be done with this by next week, which means I can then start on the first draft!

I hope your week is going well!

I hope you have a great Monday and rest of week!

Sunday Update Time!

- I hit 65k words on The Cosmic Link, Book 2 of The Evaran Chronicles II. Dylan, Isaac, Kate, and Khromu deal with their time in a jail, and Azaric makes a punishing visit to them. Evaran and M have concluded their meeting with Ryalis Crownder and are making plans to retrieve the Torvatta, M's body, and the rest of the gang.

- My focus this week is finishing the high-level outline for Book 6 of The Inspector Dalton Files and starting the low-level outline.

- I've been tinkering with the tech stack I plan to use for the update of my website. It's currently static HTML, but I plan to make it data-driven with a knowledgebase added. This is a long-running project, and I'm now at a point were I can begin implementation.

I hope your weekend is going well!

Wednesday Update Time!

- I hit 62k on The Cosmic Link, Book 2 of The Evaran Chronicles II. Evaran and M meet with Ryalis Crownder, a former PeaceKeeper commander who still runs the organization in the shadows. She has been observing events dealing with Evaran and the gang, and in this meeting, she learns more than she ever thought she would. She'll be traveling with Evaran and M for the rest of the book

- After refactoring the high-level outline for Book 6 of The Inspector Dalton Files, I feel it's in a good spot. I'm now filling out the story structure and aligning plot lines. Once done, I'll move to the low-level Excel outline which is matching the story structure to chapters and scenes.

I hope your week is going well!

I hope you have a great Monday and rest of week!

Sunday Update Time!

- I hit 60k on The Cosmic Link, Book 2 of The Evaran Chronicles II. Things have gone rough for the gang as they fall to a brutal merc group while Evaran and M get stranded on lower-level 149 of Promiticus. Things seem dark but never discount Evaran and M! I'm past the midpoint and reshuffled a few chapters and scenes but making good progress.

- My international Bookbub promotion has ended, and it did well. It's always fun to see a Bestseller tag every now and then on one of my books, even if it is fleeting.

I hope your weekend is going well!

Wednesday Update Time!

- I hit 57k on The Cosmic Link, Book 2 of The Evaran Chronicles II. Evaran sends the gang back to the Torvatta while meeting what he thought would be a Peacekeeper operative in the abandoned district. Unfortunately, things get out of hand as he has to deal with an unexpected encounter.

- My international BookBub is tomorrow! As mentioned in other posts, The Rift Impact, Book 1 of The Evaran Chronicles II, is .99 from 2.99 for the next month to support that.

I hope your week is going well!

I hope you have a great Monday and rest of week! Happy April Fools' day!

Sunday Update Time!

- I hit 55k words on The Cosmic Link, Book 2 of The Evaran Chronicles II. Evaran and the gang are in the lower levels of Promiticus and have went to an entertainment center. They meet with an information broker. but not all is as it should be.

As I write, sometimes a song sticks to me for a particular scene. This was the song that was playing as I wrote Evaran leading the gang through the hustle and bustle of lower level 149. The scene is from Dylan's perspective. He's soaking everything in and admiring Evaran leading the group fearlessly as he strolls with his hands behind his back and head raised high.


I hope you're having an excellent weekend, and if you celebrate Easter, have a great one!

A Short Wednesday Update Time!

I hit 52k words on The Cosmic Link, Book 2 of The Evaran Chronicles II. Evaran and the gang meet with the Tellziks to discuss their next step. It's a fun encounter for Khromu who gets to talk more with the Tellziks and Froz, the grand matter mage, in a safe place.

I'm at the midpoint now, and it's one of the longest at six scenes. The gang is headed to the lower levels of Promiticus, the capital city of the planet Markurn Prime in the Dresdeth planetary system, capital state of the USF. They'll experience another side of USF's version of humanity.

I hope your week is going well!