The Inspector Dalton Files: Transition | Otherworld | Lightville | Greekland | Shadowverse | Wildblood | Dragonrealm | The Inspector Dalton Files Box Set 1

Dragonrealm Image

Title: Dragonrealm

Series: The Inspector Dalton Files

Book #: 6

Publisher: Quantum Edge Publishing

Published: February 14, 2025




Book 6 of The Inspector Dalton Files

Evolution is not always straightforward.

Dragonity, a mainly nonhuman religion, has been around for a long time. It’s flown under the radar and has barely over several thousand congregants. They sometimes disappear off the face of the Earth, which becomes an issue when they’re high-ranking Earth Ward members who didn’t go through the Earth Ward exit process.

Enter Earth Ward Inspector Dalton Kingston and his team. They want to locate and talk to the Earth Ward members who left. That’s a lot easier when Anakruxis, the Dragonity god, invites Dalton’s team to where the Earth Ward members are.

However, not everything is as it should be. Dalton will show why he and his team were selected for this situation by showcasing one of their strongest traits—resilience.

Read the sample below!

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Series Note

Dragonrealm deals with a parallel Earth mystery. For most of the team, this is their first glimpes at an advanced society. Dragonrealm has a strong survival theme that tests each team member.


Chapter One

It always amazed Earth Ward Inspector Dalton Kingston that his girlfriend was Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love and beauty. He was at his team’s headquarters in North Columbus, Ohio, and it was February 21, 2014, 10:00 a.m. While his team had been out for the last two weeks, he had spent a lot of time with Aphrodite. Sadly, she was preparing to fly to New York for Greek pantheon business.

As much as Dalton wanted her to stay, she played an important role in the Earth Ward, the group that managed Earth and was the liaison with the Kreagan Star Empire, which protected Earth. She was currently in the bathroom, getting ready to leave.

He smiled when he recalled his lunches with her, Hermes, and Hercules. They were always a good time, and Hermes and Hercules were becoming close friends. Hermes teased Dalton and said he might become a brother. Dalton wasn’t sure he was ready for all that, but the more time he spent with Aphrodite, the easier it was to imagine it.

It was probably for the best that she had business to attend to. Dalton had received a request to check out multiple reports at a psychiatric hospital, with the most important one about a teenage male who claimed he was seeing things.

Dalton had heard reports of the place and its shady operations. He wouldn’t be going alone, though. Jake Melkins and Dylan Townsend, two young men in their early twenties, had stopped in for lunch earlier and would be joining him.

Jake was fair-skinned with jet-black hair, blue eyes, and an athletic build. Dylan was a bit taller and also had dark hair, but he had brown eyes. Both had traveled with Evaran, the cosmic being who saved Dalton and brought him to Earth, and Dylan was a current traveling companion who had just finished an outing with Evaran a week earlier. Jake had been the first human Evaran had met, and they had a strong bond.

Jake and Dylan had begged to come along. Dalton was okay with that, and he knew Dylan wanted to know more about what Dalton did. Dylan had an interest in the Earth Ward rangers, a newly formed elite unit that assisted the investigative arm of the Earth Ward. This would give him some insight into the investigation side of things. Although Jake flew ships for the Earth Ward, they would be taking the team’s modified SUV.

Aphrodite came out and sat next to Dalton. “I wish I could stay longer.”

“I know,” he said, sighing. “I get used to you being here a lot, then you’re gone.”

She eyed him. “Now you know how I feel when you go on cases.”

They shared a deep kiss.

His heart pulsated wildly. She was not just beautiful but smart, funny, and insightful. Everything was easy with her, and he definitely enjoyed the intimate aspects. He could see himself with her for a long time, and since they both had long lives, that was an actual possibility.

She stood and placed her hand on his cheek. “Any more of that, and I’ll definitely be late.”

“I don’t mind,” said Dalton with a big grin.

“I know you don’t.” Aphrodite kissed him again.

Dalton rose and embraced her. When they stepped apart, she grabbed her rolling suitcase. He followed her to the massive open area that led outside the compound. Dylan and Jake were already there and in high spirits.

Aphrodite extended her hands to them for a high five. “Take care of my man.”

They high-fived her, and she winked at Dalton before leaving.

Dalton puffed his cheeks. “All right. Who’s ready for a trip to a psychiatric hospital?”

“I’m ready,” said Jake.

“Me too,” said Dylan. He handed Dalton an orb. “Evaran wanted me to give you this. Translation orb.”

Dalton examined it. “Although I don’t need it, I can see its value in dealing with groups. Did he give any reason as to why?”

Dylan shrugged. “He said the Torvatta wanted you to have it.”

“That’s as good a reason as any,” said Dalton, placing the orb in his pocket. “I suspect it knows something I don’t.”

“I guess. I thought he might’ve given it directly to you, but he said that since I was going to see you, I could just drop it off.”

“That’s fine. Let’s head out,” said Dalton.

He was glad to see Dylan in a good mood. After a recent mission with Evaran, Dylan tried to reconnect with his estranged father, who left him hanging. He had been crushed, but Evaran and M had comforted him. Dalton had learned that he, Evaran, and M were viewed as role models by Dylan. Dalton hadn’t spent too much time with him, but the times they did were quality.

Why the Torvatta thought Dalton needed a translation orb was odd, but he had learned not to question the ship’s motives. It operated at a different level of reality and could see the past, present, and future across universes and timelines.

If the Torvatta thought he needed a translation orb, then it probably had a good reason. Evaran-tech outside the Torvatta was unusual, but since he was a Torvatta’s chosen, it didn’t seem like it was a big deal for him to have the orb. It could prove useful in situations where not everyone spoke the same language, although he and Evot usually handled that aspect, while others used translation tablets and updated earbuds.

Dalton concentrated on the case as they walked to the garage. Although there had been some reports from the psychiatric hospital before, there was much more happening there that didn’t get reported.

The facility’s janitorial services had recently hired a blooded vampire. He was in his early thirties, and Dalton wasn’t surprised he was sending all the information he could. If his tips proved right and there were arrests, he could earn up to $10,000 per instance. Even more if there were convictions. This structure made informants more than happy to provide whatever they could, and the Earth Ward was not short on money.

There were four issues to address. People disappearing more often than expected was the first problem. The second issue dealt with a teen male who was seeing things but was otherwise normal. He was allegedly being held against his will. His parents had reported him as missing, yet he had been admitted without any type of check.

The third was there were rumors of an experimentation level the janitor said existed. The final one dealt with an alleged body parts operation.

These would probably have kept going without any attention being drawn to them, but a high-ranking Earth Ward official’s wife had entered, then disappeared. The humans at the hospital would have no idea about nonhumans or the importance of the woman who went missing.

The official had gone to look for his wife, but he had been stonewalled at every turn. Due to his position, he pulled some strings, and Earth Ward Director Terry Salinas had requested Dalton check it out. If the hospital held secrets, the official’s wife was the worst person they could have admitted. An elite Earth Ward ranger unit was on standby ready to assist, and Dalton would signal to them when they could take over the hospital and process everything.

Dalton, Jake, and Dylan entered the SUV.

“You boys good?” asked Dalton.

“I’m good to go,” said Jake.

“Same,” said Dylan. “It’s investigating time!”

They cracked up.

Dalton chuckled. “All right. Let’s get this show on the road.”

Scene Break

They arrived at the psychiatric hospital after a forty-five-minute drive. Dalton had plenty of time to think about what they might encounter, and Jake and Dylan had been a source of questions and some lighthearted moments. He enjoyed their company and was glad they came along.

After they parked, they assembled beside the SUV.

“All right. This should be straightforward, and I’m not expecting any hostile action,” said Dalton. “As the inspector, I’ll ask questions and take point, but if you have any pertinent questions, feel free to raise them. Understood?”

Dylan nodded. “Good with me. This is my first time seeing what you do up close.”

“Same here,” said Jake. “We’ll be good.”

Dalton exhaled. “Okay. In we go.”

They entered the hospital lobby. Several women sat behind a section walled off by a large desk and pillars on the end. Seating areas resided on both sides of Dalton. The place wasn’t busy, with only the occasional doctor or nurse passing by. A strong disinfectant smell assaulted his nose, and the bright lighting was jarring as it reflected off the shiny tiled floors.

Dalton approached one of the receptionists and flashed his badge. “Inspector Dalton Kingston, Earth Ward. We’re here to see Kevin Nichols.”

The woman inspected his badge, then tapped at her computer. After a moment, she said, “Are you family, or do you have a recommendation from another hospital?”

“I understand your confusion. Is your CEO, Craig Hunter, in? If so, let him know the Earth Ward is here.”

“Um…okay,” she said. She checked her screen. “He’s in a meeting right now.”

“He’ll want to know that we’re here,” said Dalton.

She grabbed the nearby phone, then hung up after a moment. “He’s on his way.”

Dalton had already checked out the staff structure and had expected Craig to not be in. However, it was better that he was so Dalton could get to Kevin without any issues. Craig and his staff would be dealt with afterward.

After a few minutes, Craig exited an elevator and rushed over. He was in his early fifties, had graying hair and fair skin, and was clean-shaven. His business suit was immaculate, and he wore a gold watch that was hard to miss. A typical CEO.

Craig offered a handshake. “Craig Hunter, CEO.”

Dalton returned it, then showed his badge. “Inspector Dalton Kingston, Earth Ward. With me are Dylan Townsend and Jake Melkins, associates of mine.”

“Associates?” asked Craig with a raised eyebrow. “Aren’t they a little young for that?”

“Looks can be deceiving,” said Dalton. “Nonetheless, we’re here to see Kevin Nichols.”

Craig glanced at the receptionist.

“The note says he’s not to be disturbed,” she said.

“They can see him. Where’s he at?”

“Room 42.”

Craig faced Dalton. “He’s on the fourth floor. Why do you want to visit him?”

Sweat beaded on Craig’s forehead, and his heartbeat had surged. Dalton suspected he knew far more about the situation than expected. He was a good actor.

“That’s confidential,” said Dalton. “We know where room 42 is, so we don’t need an escort. I’ll need you to stick around so we can talk once we’re done.”

“Of course. Whatever you need,” said Craig.

Dalton motioned for Jake and Dylan to follow him to the elevator.

Once they were ascending, Jake swatted Dalton’s arm. “I may not have nanobots, but that guy was nervous as hell.”

“Yeah, he was,” said Dylan. He made some beat noises while bobbing his head and moving his shoulders. “His heart was like a techno track.”

Dalton grinned as they laughed. Their youthful energy was a nice break from things. His throat constricted as he thought of Dr. Snowden and his niece, Emily, both of whom had traveled with Evaran and had died. They were with Evaran when Dalton had been rescued, and he had become close friends with them. Dylan was part of the new gang, and Dalton liked having him around.

They exited the elevator and went to room 42, where they were met by a pale-skinned security officer in a black outfit with the name “Kirk” on a gold name plate on his right chest pocket.

“Can I help you?” he asked.

“We’re going in there,” said Dalton, flashing his badge with one hand and pointing at the door with the other. He introduced himself and the others.

“Oh,” said Kirk. “Regardless, you need special clearance to be up here.”

Dalton crooked his thumb at the elevator. “And Craig gave us that. Even so, we didn’t need it, as we’re the top authority here. But go ahead. Contact Craig.”

“It’s usually Sally who calls up here,” said Kirk.

He pulled out his cell phone and typed in a number. After repeating the call several times with no success, he put his phone away.

“I don’t know why they’re not answering, but that means I can’t let you go any farther,” he said.

Dalton pointed behind Kirk. “What about them, then?”

As Kirk turned, Dalton formed a stun baton from his multipurpose handle, or MH, and tapped Kirk’s back, causing him to crumple.

Dalton caught him and propped him against the wall.

“That’s one way to solve the problem,” said Dylan, snorting.

“I wish I didn’t have to do that, but I suspect Craig and those close to him have already left. I’m sure they’ll enjoy the rangers outside.” Dalton waved forward. “C’mon.”

A foul odor hit him as he surveyed Kevin’s room, and he grimaced. Although there was a bathroom off to the right, it didn’t appear to be cleaned too often, like the room. Heavy blinds covered the windows, and illumination was provided by a dim light overhead. The only pieces of furniture in the room were a bed centered against the left wall and a cabinet on the right side.

On the bed was a dark-skinned teen with short curly hair. He was thin and wore white socks, gray sweatpants, and a blue T-shirt. Although he had been leaning against the headboard, he now sat on the edge of his bed with wide eyes.

Dalton flashed his badge. “I’m Inspector Dalton Kingston, Earth Ward. With me are my associates Jake Melkins and Dylan Townsend. You’re not in trouble, and we just want to talk. I assume you’re Kevin Nichols.”

“Yeah,” he said. “Why is Kirk slumped against the wall?”

“I suspected you’d know that,” said Dalton. “May we talk?”

“Sure,” said Kevin. “Not much going on. Besides, no one here believes anything I say.”

“That sucks,” said Jake.

“Yeah, but what can I do about it?”

Dalton cleared his throat. “How’d you get here?”

Kevin sighed. “I was just picked up off the street and dropped here. My family hasn’t come for me, and the doc said they arranged for me to be here because of my delusions.”

Dalton frowned. “I’m sorry to hear that, but your family didn’t arrange this. You were reported missing six months ago.”

“What?” Kevin gulped hard as he looked at the bathroom, then back at Dalton.

Dalton narrowed his eyes. “How long have you been seeing the clown in the bathroom?”

“You…you can see him?” asked Kevin.

“Yeah, I can,” said Dalton.

His eyes glowed as he focused on the bathroom and reached out with his brightly lit hand. “Leave if you value your existence.”

The dingy clown with missing flesh took off through the wall.

“Whoa!” said Kevin, standing.

“The clown is what we call a Displaced,” said Dalton. “They exist after death due to certain circumstances. I know you can see them and that you have Wildborn exotic energy in you. That makes you a Wildborn. Do you understand what that is?”

Kevin drew his head back. “A wild what? I’ve never heard of that. Does that mean I’m not crazy?”

“You’re not, and to clarify, you’re a Wildborn,” said Dalton. “You’re just a nonhuman in a human facility. We’re taking you out of here so you can be with other nonhumans and learn about that world.”

“I’m not sure about that nonhuman thing you said.” Kevin licked his lips. “They aren’t going to let me leave.”

“They will unless you want to stay here.”

Kevin held up his hands. “No argument from me, but what about Kirk?”

“He’s been taken care of, as I’m sure you already know,” said Dalton.

“Cool.” Kevin studied Dalton. “You’re a nonhuman too, I take it.”

Dalton dipped his head. “Yes, I’m a cosmic being. Dylan has nanobots in him and travels through space and time with a very powerful cosmic being. Jake also traveled with that same cosmic being and spent most of his life on an alien space diner.”

“Wow,” said Kevin. He scrunched his face. “Wait. Why did that clown take off?”

“Because if I touch him, he’ll dissipate and no longer exist.” Dalton rubbed his chin. “None of the Displaced you saw touched you, did they?”

“They didn’t. But they always popped out of nowhere to scare the crap out of me. Some could move things or mess with electricity. They really screwed with me here, and the staff kept blaming me for things.”

Dalton gestured at him. “Well, the Displaced kept their distance because you have great power. You probably have experienced your main ability without knowing it.”

“What main ability?” asked Kevin.

“You’re a seeker. You asked where Kirk was, but I think you knew.”

“Yeah,” said Kevin. “So I guess a seeker…seeks things?”

Dylan and Jake chortled, causing Kevin to smile.

“That’s what I like to see,” said Dalton. “Yes, and based on your ability, I think the Earth Ward would like to train you once you’re out of here and go through the WildHaven Institute courses.”

“I just want to get out of here and see my family,” said Kevin.

“We can do that, but you’ll still need to do the courses.”

“I’m going through them now,” said Dylan. “They’re pretty dope.”

Jake grinned. “Yeah, I did them too. Really helps you understand what’s going on.”

“All right, then. Let’s go,” said Dalton.

As he led the boys toward the elevator, he analyzed Kevin’s mental state. He seemed relatively upbeat despite the bad situation he was in. Dalton didn’t know why Kevin was kidnapped or why he was put on a floor with a dedicated security guard.

Although the floor wasn’t heavily secured, it was more so than the other floors. He suspected the other crimes the facility was reported for had something to do with it. But first, he would take Kevin out to eat some real food before a full debriefing.