The Evaran Chronicles II: The Lost Ship | The Rift Impact | The Cosmic Link

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Title: The Cosmic Link

Series: The Evaran Chronicles II

Book #: 2

Publisher: Quantum Edge Publishing

Published: August 11, 2024




Book 2 of The Evaran Chronicles II

From cosmic destruction comes cosmic justice.

Dylan Townsend, Isaac Barret, and Dr. Kate Minter get to travel on their first summons across space and time with Evaran and M. The trip will take them to the Large Magellanic Cloud Galaxy in 40,322 AD, where they encounter a mystery with many moving parts.

The United Star Federation, or USF, is a human empire still healing from the aftermath of a visit by Antion, another cosmic being who killed the first Evaran’s gang. Antion murdered trillions of humans and shattered the USF into a loose coalition of eighty-one planetary system states. And they’re losing on all fronts.

Evaran and the gang decide to help the USF, but they’ve crossed the powerful Krellic United Corporation, or KUC, led by Azaric Krenzel, who wants the USF for himself. In order to save the USF, the gang will need to enlist allies from far and wide, such as a sentient planet and a machine race known as the Tellzik Ascendancy, which is unofficially at war with the KUC.

If they fail, then the USF is doomed.

Read the sample below!

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Series Note

This is the second main book in the The Evaran Chronicles II. The new gang is officially formed with Dylan Townsend, Isaac Barret, and Dr. Kate Minter. This is the first book where Antion appears after the events in The Final Evolution, Book 15 of The Evaran Chronicles. This book has concepts that range from a sentient planet to grand matter mages who can dust planetary systems.


Chapter One

Dylan Townsend much preferred staying at the WildHaven Institute for the last month instead of an alien moon. It was 9:30 a.m., February 13, 2014, and he had already showered and exercised. He was now in his cozy dorm room and reflected on how nice the rooms were on the Torvatta, the ship of his rescuers, Evaran and M.

It still blew him away that five weeks ago, he had been resigned to live and die on a faraway quarantined dome on an alien moon. That was the past, and he had a bright future ahead of him. Evaran and M were cosmic time travelers who stepped in and changed everything. They had to deal with other events while there, and Dylan was able to participate and expand his mind. Half the stuff he learned resembled something out of a science-fiction novel, yet he had witnessed it.

His bed on the Torvatta had some type of neural effect that helped him stabilize his sleeping cycle. That had stuck with him over the last month, and he was thankful for it. He also loved the matter replicators and their ability to make any food or drink he wanted. His skin warmed when he thought of the holo simulations he had made in his living quarters. That was something he definitely missed and not something he wanted anyone to know about, although M did and maybe Evaran as well.

Today was an important day, as Evaran and M were coming to pick up and return home Advocate Taron Gulture Twenty-Two, a representative of the Systral Empire, the race that had initially quarantined Dylan. He held no ill will toward Taron, who had become a close friend. He had stayed on Earth along with Isaac Barret and Dr. Kate Minter, two others who had been with Dylan on the alien moon. Dylan was excited to meet up with them.

He had originally thought he would see them more often than he had during his stay at the WildHaven Institute. However, it had been somewhat chaotic with trying to get to classes and settling in. They had met once a day at first, then every other one, and now twice a week. Thankfully, Dylan had made new friends, and Jake Melkins, Brad Washington, and Evot had helped fill the downtime with fun events.

The WildHaven Institute was where humans went once they were aware of the nonhuman world and aliens who visited. They became wisened, which offered many opportunities. Dylan had already taken eight classes and had learned about various nonhumans as well as how the Earth Ward was structured and managed Earth. It opened his eyes to a new reality, which was saying a lot after having traveled with Evaran and M.

He really liked the wereshifter class, and Mr. Okango was a wererhino who showed how effortless it was to transform. The Daedrould course was fun and not just because Isaac was in it. There were many Daedrould strains, but the vampire ones had piqued Dylan’s interest. He now understood Lord Vygon, a powerful ancient vampire lord, better, and he had been part of the greeting party when Dylan, Isaac, and Kate had returned to Earth.

Wildborns were also strong, and Dylan was fascinated by Brad’s ability to talk to technology. It amazed Dylan that there was such a wide range of abilities, and even more unusual was that only a few races had Wildborns, with humans being the most common.

His teacher, Mr. Donnel, was Wildborn, and his ability was he could create light. Dylan could see never needing a flashlight, and even after putting on special glasses, he had to squint and turn away when a bright sphere had been created. It could temporarily blind someone, and that level of control was learned at the WildHaven Institute.

Jake knocked on his open door. He had been abducted by aliens when he was six but was saved by Evaran fifteen years later and brought to Earth. Since then, he had reintegrated well and even flew as a transport pilot for the Earth Ward. He and Evaran also had a very strong bond.

“Hey,” said Jake. “Ready for breakfast?”

“Don’t need to tell me twice,” said Dylan. He did a final check of his clothes and ensured his wallet and cell phone were on him. “All right. Let’s go.”

As they walked to the cafeteria, Jake glanced at him. “Big day today.”

“Yeah. Can’t wait to see Evaran and M again. Wonder why they changed the time to 11:30.”

Jake chuckled. “Because they’re assisting Dalton, his team, and Earth Ward forces in taking down a Dread Order compound in Venezuela.”

“Oh, is that all?”

They laughed.

It didn’t surprise him that Evaran and M were helping. They were probably up to all sorts of things, but Dylan hadn’t heard much. Even Evot wasn’t aware, and Dylan suspected out of everyone he knew, she would be the most informed outside of Dalton. Maybe Lord Vygon or Lord Noskov would know, but they didn’t hang out at the WildHaven Institute.

“So you going to ask them?” asked Jake.

“I think so,” said Dylan. “Isaac and Kate want to travel on the Torvatta. You’re alive, so that’s a good sign.”

Jake grinned. “Being alive is always a good thing.”

“Yeah, although the previous gang didn’t seem to fare too well…”

Jake sighed. “Not much you can do when the Torvatta decides to disappear on you. If it had done that when I traveled with Evaran and V, I’m not sure I’d be here right now.”

V was M’s previous form, and Dylan wished he could have met him. He had learned more about Dr. Albert Snowden and Emily Snowden, Evaran and M’s previous companions. They had a high standing on Earth due to traveling with Evaran. Even more bizarre was that they had cosmic energy in them. It wasn’t much, but it was enough for them to be considered powerful. They had also become masters in combat and at using the PSD. Dylan could easily see himself learning both, although getting cosmic energy would probably be out of his grasp.

They reached the cafeteria, then got in line to get food.

The place reminded him of his college. He would have a card that could be used for the semester and then would drop in whenever it was open. He thought he would need to watch how much he ate, but the nanobots in him kept his weight constant. If anything, they boosted his workouts, so he was getting buff.

After receiving their food, they sat at a table.

Dylan bit into his apple. “I’m still blown away that you knew M’s previous incarnations—U4, then V.”

Jake sipped his orange juice. “Yeah, and they definitely had different personalities. U4 was more set in her ways, whereas V was curious about everything and tried anything. M is sort of a mix between them.”

“I’m just glad he and Evaran were around.”

“Me too. Otherwise, I’d be at a Seceltor breeding camp.”

Jake had grown up on a space diner for a large portion of his life. The camps sounded like a nightmare, and aliens had eaten his mom. However, he had Kathy, his fiancè, and Robert Melkins, his dad. He also lived at Lord Noskov’s base in the Appalachian Mountains.

Dylan leaned back in his chair. “Never thought I’d be back on Earth, but I’m glad I am. It’s crazy how fast things can change.”

“Especially if Evaran visits,” said Jake.


“How’re you liking the courses here?”

Dylan gestured out. “I really like them. The Earth Ward class was interesting. I can’t believe how much is going on, and yet non-wisened have no clue.”

“The Imperium truly owns the media,” said Jake. “The only place they don’t have full control is the internal Earth Ward network, for obvious reasons.”

“I get that.”

Jake eyed him. “You still thinking on what you want to study after WildHaven or what you want to do?”

Dylan pressed his lips together. “Well, actually, no. I guess I could go back and finish my degree, but it might be cool to work with the Earth Ward in some capacity.”

“You traveled with Evaran and M, so there’ll be a lot of doors open.”

“Yeah, and, of course…I could travel with them some.”

Jake swatted Dylan’s arm. “You won’t regret it, and this time you won’t be the one being rescued.”

Dylan smirked. “Well, I hope we can travel with them. We’ll see how it goes. I will say these nanobots are dope.”

“I may ask for some myself at some point. Can’t hurt to ask.”

“I could put in a good word,” said Dylan with a big grin.

“Whatever works!”

Dylan liked hanging with Jake. Everything was easy, and those were the best types of friendships. It also probably helped that they were both rescued by Evaran, so they had a common bond. This would be an exciting morning.

Scene Break

Isaac Barret knew how rare it was to be sitting with an alien and a nonhuman. It was 10:00 a.m., and he was in the office of Kantris, the WildHaven Institute head librarian. He sat behind a majestic desk, and bookcases surrounded him on the walls.

Sunlight streamed in from large windows, and Isaac loved the apple smell in the room, although he couldn’t pinpoint the source. Sitting next to him was Taron. Evaran and M were coming at 11:30 to pick him up.

Taron was a crow-like humanoid with a big blue beak and four eyes. Black fur covered his body, which stood at six feet, five inches. His bony calves ended in clawed feet. Thanks to the Torvatta’s nanobots, he could converse with anyone.

He had joined up with Evaran and M when Isaac, Dylan, and Kate had been quarantined on a Systral moon. Evaran had allowed Taron to visit Earth for one month. Isaac had become close friends with Taron.

Kantris was an Outsider, someone who came from another dimension. He wore a white robe with a metallic belt and a blue-and-silver collar. His white hair and fair skin presented a unique look. He had come to Earth long ago with thirty-eight others, and they formed a group called the Immortal Order.

They had also played a significant role in human history. Kantris was a shapeshifter, and Isaac was curious what the others of his group were capable of. Kantris had declined to expand on that.

“Our last meeting,” said Kantris, his hands steepled. “I’m going to miss these chats.”

“Likewise,” said Taron.

Isaac frowned. “I wish you could stay longer.”

“As do I. However, I do miss my people, and I’m anxious to help our society as it moves forward.”

Kantris exhaled. “I wish I could spend a month on Varlon. I want to see Camrallis. It sounds like a beautiful city.”

“You would be most welcome there,” said Taron.

“Anyone leaving Earth would be sent to Fredoria, although I doubt the Earth Ward would do anything if I was with Evaran, which would never happen anyway.”

Taron stroked his beak. “Yes, I find it unusual that as involved as he has been in Earth’s history, he’s only met a few individuals and groups.”

Kantris waved a finger between them. “I tend to know Evaran through those who have traveled with him, although I’ve known of him for a long time.”

“You never forget traveling on the Torvatta. That’s for sure,” said Isaac. “I’d like to spend time in Camrallis too.”

“You would be welcomed as a hero,” said Taron.

Although Isaac had been rescued by Evaran and M along with Dylan and Kate, the rest of the adventure had dealt with stopping a future version of the Systrals known as the Grangax from traveling to the past to assimilate Systral culture. Isaac had come to grips with not only being saved but also with having nanobots in him, wearing an advanced suit, meeting a lot of aliens, and experiencing a fluidic dimension.

Taron scrutinized Kantris. “I assume the technology we discussed won’t be publicized.”

“It won’t. Knowledge is sacred to me, and I keep things quiet.”

“Like your membership in the Immortal Order.”

Kantris chortled. “Yes, and we’ve kept that hidden, although anyone who has traveled on the Torvatta knows of us.”

Isaac had enjoyed the technological discussions Taron led. There were often times when the topics covered were beyond him, but Kantris had soaked it up like a sponge and asked pertinent questions, implying he understood. In one session, he had shifted into a Systral form based on an image, which delighted Taron. Isaac was going to miss him. His joy in learning new things was infectious.

“From the previous month and outside of our discussions, what did you find the most interesting?” asked Kantris.

Taron cooed. “There is much that I liked. The food was good, as were the many places Jake Melkins took me. The WildHaven Institute was a great experience with meeting all the different types of nonhumans. It amazes me how they all look human but aren’t. I can also see the technological growth of Earth, and it will join the stars soon. Humans went from first flight to the moon in less than a century.”

“And now we’re getting into AI,” said Isaac.

“Yes, and Earth also has the Earth Ward, Evaran, and Dalton Kingston to guide it,” said Taron. “The Kreagan Star Empire protects Earth as well. It’s a safe place for humans to expand, and I wish I could witness their introduction to the galaxy outside of the Fredorians.”

Isaac chewed on Taron’s words. He was right in that Earth had multiple levels of defense from galactic threats. And anything planetside would be handled by the Earth Ward and Dalton Kingston. It still amazed Isaac how the Torvatta chose someone, gave them cosmic energy, then delivered them to where they needed to be.

Dalton had taken Isaac and Taron out to several places to discuss things. Isaac admired Dalton’s effort and could see why he was considered the top inspector on the planet. He was tough, smart, fast, and had a lot of high-tech items. Evot was also a big factor in his effectiveness along with a strong team. Dalton’s story of his life and how he came to Earth had been riveting.

“You’ve seen more than most humans have in their lifetime,” said Kantris.

“I would suspect so with the friends I have met,” said Taron. “I will say I understand why I was compared to crow shifters. I thank you for being the intermediary in setting up the meetings with various groups of them.”

“No problem. It was interesting to see their reactions,” said Kantris.

Isaac had been at those meetings, and it was fun to witness the werecrows, who had never met an alien before, interact with Taron. They were a bit taken aback by his back tentacles and four eyes, but in the end, they had a good discussion and tour of where they stayed. Taron seemed to really like the werecrows in the woodlands near the WildHaven Institute.

“Perhaps we can get a late breakfast before you both meet with Evaran and M?” asked Kantris.

Isaac had not even noticed he was hungry until now. “I’m game.”

“I am as well,” said Taron.

Isaac joined them when they exited. Although he was saddened that this meeting was their last, his pulse quickened at the thought of seeing Evaran and M again. They would take Taron back, but Isaac, Dylan, and Kate would be on the Torvatta. They had agreed to ask about traveling with Evaran and M, and Isaac was not sure what the response would be. If the answer was yes, then maybe he could see Taron between summonses. Either way, he was thankful for everything he got to experience up to this point.

Scene Break

Dr. Kate Minter took a moment to catch her breath after a five-mile run on one of the many paths around the WildHaven Institute. Evot was next to her without a bead of sweat. Kate sat on a nearby metal bench and bent over with clasped hands.

Evot joined her.

The last month had been great for Kate, and Evot had been a big part of it. She had traveled with Evaran before, and M was her mentor and V before that. Evot had taken Kate out to many attractions and sites in the area, and it had kept Kate’s mind focused.

Evot’s main processor was embedded in Inspector Dalton Kingston, and she had two servbots, which were essentially nanoswarms, that allowed her to be in two places at once. She had recently been granted enhanced algorithms that made her feel more. Kate was not sure how that was possible, but she had experience in working with algorithms. Evot was in her human form—a female with red hair, fair skin, and green eyes.

While Kate still mourned Oleg Koval, the man she had fallen in love with during the quarantined moon event, she had begun to heal. She had watched the news that celebrated his return as a miracle. Part of her wanted to reach out, but there was a chance he could remember something through his amnesia. Perhaps it was best to let him be and enjoy his life with his wife and kids.

“You’re thinking of Oleg again,” said Evot.

“Huh?” asked Kate.

“When you clasped your hands and stared at the ground with a slight frown, I calculated that it wasn’t me or the run, which made Oleg the highest probability for being the source of your discomfort.”

“You’re very observant, and you’re right.”

Evot laid a hand on her shoulder. “I’m here for you should you need me.”

Kate leaned back against the bench and smiled. “Thanks.”

“Meeting Evaran and M again will lighten your mood.”

“Probably,” said Kate. “There’s still about two hours before that, though. I’m just enjoying the weather, the run, and hanging out with you.”

Evot titled her head. “Likewise. You met with Dr. Bryson last week. How’d that go?”

Kate puffed her cheeks. “It was amazing, actually. He’s an energetic guy, and he wanted to know all about my rescue. However, I could tell he was still dealing with the loss of Dr. Snowden and Emily. Dr. Bryson had known them since he had Dr. Snowden as a roommate in college. He even mentioned seeing Evaran, V, Dr. Snowden, Emily, and others after they had died but before they left the plane. They literally went to another reality.”

“Yes, to the Cosmic Medium, where they are with Evaran’s main form.”

“I can’t even imagine what that’s like or really understand it,” said Kate. “I mean, Dr. Snowden and Emily died, then they became something more, but I suspect it was due to their having cosmic energy in them. Otherwise, that would have been it.”

Evot raised a finger. “You’re correct in your assessment. I’m sure Dr. Bryson will want to meet more with you.”

“He definitely does,” said Kate. “I’ll plan out some lunches over the next few months. I also have his cell and email, and I’ve friended him on various social media.”

“I saw that.”

Kate inspected her. “Oh, you did, did you?”

“I hope you don’t think I was snooping, but I keep tabs in general on those I care about,” said Evot.

“I was kidding,” said Kate. “I may only have known you for a month, but you’re one of my closest friends.”

Evot’s eyes lit up. “Thank you. I feel the same way. I’ve relished our time together.”

“I’m glad we met,” said Kate.

Although she had many colleagues, they weren’t close to her. She had been alone in that regard, and at family gatherings, she had been teased for focusing too much on work and not on making connections. She had tried to participate in some groups outside of her job, but there were either power struggles or people who drove her away, including control freaks and men who wouldn’t take no for an answer. Evot was none of those things and was someone Kate could see becoming a best friend.

“How did your family respond to your coming back after they declared you missing?” asked Evot.

Kate fidgeted with her hands. “Well, as you probably know, my mom and dad called a family meeting once they heard I was alive. Mom was a mess, but I let everyone know I was doing classified work, so I couldn’t say anything. My older sister wouldn’t leave my side the whole night, and my uncle said he knew it was a government conspiracy of some type. But overall, they’re okay and understand I’m doing something secret.”

“It’s probably best they know that and nothing more,” said Evot.

“Yeah.” Kate looked around. “This is a nice change of pace from the courses, but I’m enjoying those too.”

“Which ones are you liking the most?” asked Evot.

“Aliens, which I guess is no surprise,” said Kate. “However, the thing that gets me is that the Imperium actively covers up telescope findings, and they have been for a long time. I guess it makes sense. Humanity would freak out if they knew aliens were real or even nonhumans or yourself.”

“I agree,” said Evot. “The path for the eventual unveiling has been set, and it will come at some point, but it will be a long while. Humanity isn’t ready. They squabble over many things that have little bearing for a planet entering the galactic community.”

“Yeah, sadly. Still, the class is exciting to me. After seeing what I did with the Systrals, I understand Earth would stand no chance against an advanced civilization. I’m glad the Kreagans protect us, even more so after Evaran got involved with them. I do want to visit Fredoria at some point.”

“Me too,” said Evot. “Perhaps Dalton can arrange a trip sometime for all of us.”

Kate perked up. “Oh, that would be great!”

“At the very least, you can visit the Kreagan delegates here on Earth.”

“I’d like that too.”

Evot studied her. “Do the nonhumans bother you?”

Kate shrugged. “Not really. I saw so many aliens on the Torvatta that the nonhumans aren’t that much different in terms of appearances. The only concern I’ve had so far is a young werewolf telling me multiple times that I smell and look good.”

“Do you wish for me to deal with him?”

Kate held up her hands. “Oh no, it’s not a big deal. I was just saying that’s the extent of any issues I’ve had since being here.”

“I understand,” said Evot. “The young werewolf was most likely not thinking about eating you but had other desires. You can call on me if needed for things like that.”

“I will,” said Kate, standing. “I guess I better get cleaned up and get some breakfast.” She scrutinized Evot. “Where’s your other servbot? With Brad?”

Evot rose. “Yes. We’re about to infiltrate a Dread Order compound with Evaran, M, Dalton and his team, and the rangers, a new elite Earth Ward unit.”

“Oh…do you need to go and focus now?”

“I can multitask and will sync later.”

Kate moved her hands apart. “That’s so amazing that you can split yourself like that. Is it strange to sync?”

“It’s not,” said Evot.

“Which swarm takes over?” asked Kate. “I mean, does one become the main, and the other merges into it?”

“Not quite. Both merge into my main processor inside Dalton, then the swarms are synced up.”

The approach made sense to Kate, and she wondered what it would be like to have copies of her running around, then merging into a main version. That would be a useful ability and also a way to add some redundancy if any version could become the main. She could see how versatile it was for Evot to be able to do what she did.

“All right. You want to join me for breakfast?” asked Kate.

“Of course,” said Evot. “I can hang out in your room while you get ready, then we can eat and meet with the others when Evaran and M come.”

Kate relaxed her muscles as they took off. The morning runs always did her good, especially now that Evot joined her from time to time. Kate wondered what she would be doing after completing the WildHaven courses. Whatever it was, Evot would be involved.